0 km energy production concept, based on renewable energies sharing
We pool resources to optimize their efficiency.
We use robust and mastered technologies for a better durability of the installation.

- WATeBOX® is an innovative technology developed by Watinyoo
- WATeBOX® is the first multi-protocol, multi-flows and multi-source gateway which come to cover the heat requirements of a house, a building or a group of houses, reducing energy consuming.
- Aggregates, captures and sends operation data to the cloud.
- WATeBOX® modules are connected with different technologies (bus, IoT, etc.)
- Real time displaying of Energy Performance Indicators,
- Autoadaptative
- Available first quarter 2021
Consumer advantages

Elements of the concept
WATINYOO’s concept uses different natural and renewable sources of energy, locally available.
- Control and regulation by WATeBOX® unit (IoT and Blockchain technology)
- Ground to produce and store heat by installing a Water filled loop for transportation and distribution.
- Sun (hybrid photovolatïc and thermal panels) to cover electric power needs of the system and additional thermal needs.
- The loop serves Ground source heat pumps (GSHP) with a stable temperature (15°C) all year long to reach (or even exceed) their maximum Coefficient of Performance (COP).
- Additional heat sources (always free and natural) participate to cover the thermal kWh requirements.
- Extension of loop network to create a regulated low temp heat network (smart thermal grid)
A global transition to engage
WATINYOO is the only one virtuous system for a truly sustainable energy transition in homes around the world.
US : Home remodeling is a $450 billion market, and it’s only going to get bigger.

EU : Energy renovation of homes: a market of nearly 20 billion euros per year (France)

The market addressed by WATINYOO’s concept is on the New construction and remodeling of buildings and houses.
- A market of $ hundreds billions in US and Europ
- Supported by energetic transition regulations
- Supported by consummers demand increasing for responsable systems of heating/cooling
- Naturally better for the planet
Armand Menargues
Armand MENARGUES, is a serial entrepreneur, driven by a disruptive approach of the markets he address.
WATeBOX® concept has come from different considerations of the energy market.
- The price of energy that we consume on a daily basis is roughly made up of costs related to the organization of the service itself (exploitation, development, transport, etc.).
- Most of the energy we need is available under our feet (geothermal), above our heads (solar), renewable and almost free.
- By using the earth (with geothermal energy) and the sun (with solar thermal and electrical energy) together and associating them with water (for the exchange, storage and transport of heat), we come to cover the heat requirements of a building or a group of houses.
Graduated in Marketing Strategy with a strong experience of international business, he creates WATINYOO® in 2017 and in 2020, he creates a structure dedicaded to reweable energies development. The same year, he closes a 4,4 M€ operation with adquisition of a study office specialized in buildings thermal and energies issues.